Understanding World Partition streaming proxies

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I'm working on a landscape, and I'm trying to understand a few things, mainly the relationship between terrain tiles and streaming proxies.
I'm using tile split in combination with LabsWorldcompositionPrepare.

Ultimately I'm wanting a single landscape actor, cut into 16 streaming proxies, so:
on tileSplit I set tile count to 4 x 4, and set "extract single tile" to off.

Then on the worldCompPrepare node I tick on proxies and leave everything else as default.

lastly i set a custom name for the landscape actor by setting s@unreal_landscape_shared_actor_name

I write the generated geo to disk as a single bgeo, and then load the result in unreal via houding engine.

I get a single landscape actor, with the correct custom name, but it only ever has 4 streaming proxies, and only brings in 1 of the tiles.

Is my assumption that 1 tile is equal to 1 streaming proxy incorrect?

The landscape and proxies I actually get in unreal are equivalent to this single tile I see in Houdini (attached image #3), which again makes me think I'm not understanding the tile/proxy relationship because I dont understand why I would be getting 4 proxies for a single tile.

Any help would be great, cheers.
Edited by sandmeister - 2024年2月11日 22:24:08

landscape1.JPG (112.7 KB)
landscape2.JPG (179.7 KB)
landscape3.JPG (135.1 KB)

Sandy Sutherland

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To follow this up, I think my assumption that 1 tile == 1 proxy was the issue, Unreal determines how many proxies to create based on world partition grid size I think.

When I import the above terrain as a single "tile", unreal generates the full area as a set of streaming proxies.
Sandy Sutherland

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