Poor documentation for Building Generator from Pattern.

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Joined: 12月 2015
I've been messing around with the Labs Building Generator from Pattern node. I just completed their Project Titan series on this tool and started working on my particular requirements. Came across a problem very soon, while setting up a building with windows and walls and all is good there's does not seem to be a way to write patterns for each side of the building.

It applies the pattern you wrote on all sides. Now, to have a different pattern for a side of my building I tried to mess with the "Override Floor" input of Building Generator from Pattern node by giving it a box which has an added attribute "floor_pattern" and the value is the desired floor pattern. The box intersects the side I want but it does not change the pattern of that side.

After crawling the web there's no documentation or guide for this problem or for "Override Floor" input. Can't believe to put out basic documentation before releasing your tool is soo hard.
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