how to evaluate the "resampled" output of a splineinterpnode

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Hey everyone,

I use a autorigcomponent with "use second input" to modify my graph. I create a splineinterptransform and wire in the needed inputs.
How can I read out the matrices on the resampled ports to save them in an array.


I thought when I wire them to a Value<Matrix4> parm input, the parms would be updated accordingly, so I can read the Matrix from the parms directly and can view the ouput in the GeoSpreadsheet.

How can that be done?

Cheers and thanks for any help.
Edited by mmassloh_houd - 2024年7月25日 13:55:56
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I'm not sure I'm fully following. Have you tried using rig::SplineInterpolateTransformsToArray? That one will output an array instead of variadic outputs.
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Thanks for your input, i stumbled over that node yesterday while researching. That might be exactly what I need, i will test that out. I simply want to safe the static interpolated matrices to create an offset later to remain the same orientation and location on the input driven objects, my first workaround was to safe the local xforms of the ctrl jnts by creating a Value<Matrix4> and copying the restlocal from the initial TransformObjects and have two spline interp nodes (one static, one for the logig), but i wanted the setup to be simpler.
And for me coming from vex where I have everything right in front of my eyes in the geo spreadsheet, apex is more abstract and i found no way to see the output visually. For example when i plug the resampled outputs in new transformobjects "restlocal" attrib, there is no updated parm showing me the values for debugging etc. Is that possible with the UpdateNode node somehow?

Thanks again
Edited by mmassloh_houd - 2024年7月26日 12:28:11
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No, but debugging tools are on the radar.
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nice that sounds great
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