I hope my question is now better understood 😅
Thank you, yes that clearly explains the workflow to me.
If you're instancing the entire "car", then you'll need a unique primvar for each light. My initial reaction was to reach for light filters and primvar readers here, but I'm having some trouble making this work. If I can get a working test scene, I'll share it here with you.
it would be great to have more generic mechanism for these kind of selective overrides rather than having to author unique primvars on lightfilter level
similarly on materials, if 2 object inside of instance have same material (or material with the same graph and primvar names) it would still be good to be able ot override just one material with primvar rather than customizing the materials to use different primvar names
if not on USD level, then at least on Karma level, similar to how Mantra has Stylesheets or I believe Arnold has operators that can handle this
simply patternmatching is important for overrides and LOPs level control seems imited in case of instances
and also overall nodes that aim to help with creating selective overrides beyond primvars, like Assign MAterial LOP or Edit Prototypes bake all the changes in the resulting usd layer making changing of the override rules impossible on the resulting USD file
it sounds like a job for USD procedural or Scene Index plugin or however they call it, simply to be able to author material overrides on resulting scene that would also take into account previously resolved procedurals to be able to selectively override data create by those
while in the USd file they would be authored as a set of rules that is easily editable later or overridable through composition and is taken into account and applied only during procedural evaluation