Multiple RBD Destruction Shot + Breakdown

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Joined: 11月 2021
Hi all! This is a breakdown of a project I did several months ago.

I wanted to put into practice multiple RBD techniques such as concrete, glass and floor destruction, metal deformation while improving my lighting, shading and environment skills.

First I started with the destruction of the ground. I used a mixture of boolean for the big fractures and voronoi for the small ones. I also needed a force to trigger the simulation, I used a velocity volume to guide the destruction. Finally I added some debris and smoke simulation for the final details.

For the ground destruction I was inspired by the amazing work of Peter Sanitra who detailed his approach on 80LV. The simulation consists of a very fractured mesh with a mix of different constraints to give it a more organic behavior. There are glue constraints for the grass on top, hard constraints connecting large pieces of soil and glue constraints connecting other small pieces. There are also constraints to connect the soil to the roots of the tree. For the tree simulation I used the soil simulation to guide a wire sim and then transfer the motion to the tree. Finally, I added a grain simulation to simulate the sand and a pyro sim created from the debris.

The last challenge was the destruction of the car. For this I wanted to combine the destruction of the car with a damping system. For the fracture part I separated it into metal and glass, I used hard constraints for the metal that switch into glue when impact, and a mix of glue and hard constraints for the glass. For the damping system I used glue constraints to keep certain parts attached to the chassis and soft constraints for the damping.

I hope you like it!

Houdini FX/TD
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Joined: 8月 2024
I wanted to put into practice multiple RBD techniques such as concrete, glass and floor destruction, metal deformation while improving my lighting, shading and environment skills.
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