Recipes - Save/Load Times

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Joined: 8月 2021
I am finding working with Recipes super slow.

Even a very basic set of say, 5 nodes, when i go to save it might take 20-60 seconds, during which all of Houdini is locked up. Same thing when i go to drop one down.

In comparison ODTools Asset Manager is pretty instant even with larger networks.

This is on all versions of 20.5. Local nv storage. Fresh preferences folder.

Anyone else seeing this?
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Joined: 8月 2018
Suggestion: could you upload basic a HIP file with a handful of nodes along with your recipe save / place time. Others could then then note and compare their own save / place times.
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Joined: 4月 2018
I've noticed this, particularly with nodes with many parameters, such as Render Settings LOP. It also affects Houdini's startup times on my machine by up to an extra 40 s, according to profiling.

I didn't look further into it, and simply avoided recipes for complex nodes. This is as of 20.5.278 -- haven't tested any new builds.
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Joined: 2月 2018
There is a ticket logged for this bug, we are working on it.
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