Maple Syrup and transmission in materialx

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Hello all,
Creating maple syrup for a video clip gig.
Having a hard time to get the exact look of a maple syrup.
Of course there are variaties of maple syrup, lighter ones and darker ones, more viscous and less.
Any idea on how to improve this or approach shading something like that in karma?
Transmission is set to 1 but still i feel like there's something missing here

IMG-20240826-WA0017.jpg (337.7 KB)

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Maybe play with attenuation

Default transmission depth is 0 meaning the transmission color is uniform regardless of the thickness of your syrup, which may not be too realistic

Setting Transmission Depth higher will help you achieve realistic attenuation where thinner parts will be clearer than thicker ones
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Hey Thomas,
Thank you for the reply, the depth did help!!
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