custom OCIO colour spaces affect karma textures.

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we needed to add some ocio v1 legacy colour spaces to our ocio config and we noticed that just by adding them we affected karma XPU renders. karma CPU seems unaffected.

we added this to the CG config that ships with houdini to test:
  - !<ColorSpace>
name: Output - ACES 1.0 - SDR Video (sRGB)
aliases: [ Output - sRGB ]
family: Output
description: ACES 1.0 SDR-video for sRGB monitor
isdata: false
categories: [ file-io ]
encoding: sdr-video
from_reference: !<GroupTransform>
- !<DisplayViewTransform> { src: ACES2065-1, display: "sRGB - Display", view: "ACES 1.0 - SDR Video" }
- !<RangeTransform> { min_in_value: 0., min_out_value: 0., max_in_value: 1., max_out_value: 1. }

- !<ColorSpace>
name: Output - ACES 1.0 - SDR Video (rec.709)
aliases: [ Output - rec.709 ]
family: Output
description: ACES 1.0 SDR-video for rec.709 monitor
isdata: false
categories: [ file-io ]
encoding: sdr-video
from_reference: !<GroupTransform>
- !<DisplayViewTransform> { src: ACES2065-1, display: "Rec.1886 Rec.709 - Display", view: "ACES 1.0 - SDR Video" }
- !<RangeTransform> { min_in_value: 0., min_out_value: 0., max_in_value: 1., max_out_value: 1. }

when we remove the aliases everything goes back to normal. it seems that under the hood Karma XPU is relaying on those v1 names.
houdini 20.5.332 on windows

ocio config:
Image Not Found

JPG textures no longer render correctly:

we have file rules set to control the colour spaces of textures:
- !<Rule> { name: exr, colorspace: ACEScg, pattern: "*", extension: exr }
- !<Rule> { name: tif, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, pattern: "*", extension: tif }
- !<Rule> { name: png, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, pattern: "*", extension: png }
- !<Rule> { name: jpg, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, pattern: "*", extension: jpg }
- !<Rule> { name: __usdz_exr, colorspace: ACEScg, regex: ".[uu][ss][dd][zz]\\[.*[ee][xx][rr]\\]" }
- !<Rule> { name: __usdz_tif, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, regex: ".[uu][ss][dd][zz]\\[.*[tt][ii][ff]\\]" }
- !<Rule> { name: __usdz_png, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, regex: ".[uu][ss][dd][zz]\\[.*[pp][nn][gg]\\]" }
- !<Rule> { name: __usdz_jpg, colorspace: sRGB - Texture, regex: ".[uu][ss][dd][zz]\\[.*[jj][pp][gg]\\]" }
- !<Rule> { name: Default, colorspace: ACEScg }
Edited by pawel-fin - 2024年9月19日 07:32:13

config_v2 (1).ocio (20.6 KB)
image (2).png (938.7 KB)

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