Materials not displaying correctly in OpenGL render

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I've got simple scene with some constant materials that is displaying correctly in the viewport and when I render via the flipbook but the materials display incorrectly when rendering via the opengl ROP. The material is flat white on the first frame, as it should be, but for the rest of the sequence it changes to a shaded grey. I've tried tweaking all the settings in the opengl ROP but can't get it to render correctly. Any ideas?

GraphEx_01_FractureFace_002.hiplc (1.6 MB)
GraphEx_01_FractureFace_002_Flipbook_Correct.mp4 (2.3 MB)
GraphEx_01_FractureFace_002_OpenGL_Incorrect.mp4 (1.2 MB)

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Joined: 4月 2020
Never mind. I just fixed it by caching the RBD simulation.
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