Has anyone noticed the auto-computed clipping plane values (Display Options -> Camera -> Homing Auto Adjusts -> Near & Far Clip Planes) in the shaded view (in H19.5) consistently fail to evaluate to whatever geometry you are trying to frame your view on?
It seems like a massive regression from h18.5.. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for when the dynamically calculated near/far clip will go wrong, so half the time I am having to set the near/far clip explicitly in Display Options which solves the problem temporarily while I am orbiting my view around a specific piece of geometry. But then when I try framing other things I need to either manually update the near/far values in Display Options, or set it back to Homing Auto Adjust Near & Far Clip Planes so it will frame geometry without clipping- but then as soon as I start orbiting the camera the geometry gets clipped or worse disappears due to incorrectly auto-computed clip planes...
This is in RHEL 9.4..
Shaded View Clipping Plane Nightmare (19.5) !?
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