solver SOP accumulation fade issue

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Hi all.
I am setting up an example file for my students of how to use the solver SOP (keeping it simple with no VEX).

Its very straightforward except I cannot get the effect to fade over time. And I doing something wrong that is really obvious here?

Thanks in advance!

Best. Mark Wallman

solver_transfer_col_fade.hipnc (127.4 KB)
solve_acumilation_fade.jpg (135.8 KB)

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What is the blendshape doing? This node is used to morph the shape of a topology with same point count. There is Cd written in the "Point ID Attrib" which also makes no sense.

If you want the color to fade try an attrib blur to mix these colors. Or just make an attribute that gets transferred from the box (value 1) to the grid (value 0) and remove it every step a bit with the attribute adjust. Use this attrib then for the color gradient later (color sop).
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Maybe like that:

Edited by Xue_Yue - 2024年12月4日 06:45:31

solver_transfer_col_fade_att.hipnc (232.7 KB)

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Hi. Thanks so much!
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