Peeling a wall hasn't been easier

Tool's features:
- currently working on plane surfaces, while can be applied to organic shapes but still some things are to be developed.
- normal things like defining the mesh resolution and pieces size.
- The edges of the paint are fixed you can choose not to.
- Peeling start position, as many as you want, in addition to a complete control over the spread time.

Tweaking scene scale and introducing new forces needs some understanding of Vellum, since you have to balance the forces and constraint that are holding the paint together and stick them to the wall.


Kindest Regards
Alaa Al Nahlawi

Technical Director

Greetings! My name is Alaa Alnahlawi, and I am a seasoned Post Producer / VFX Supervisor from Syria with over a decade of experience spanning multiple graphic design fields. I am passionate about my work, and I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results that exceed client expectations. I look forward to connecting with fellow professionals and exploring new opportunities in the industry.


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