Rebelway FX Challenge - WREAK HAVOC
4月 15, 2021
This was a 16-week challenge where we had to add FX to the provided assets. The design brief was wide open, allowing us to explore all sorts of FXdomains to tell the story (characters and camera animation provided).
The challenge has been an astounding journey, I was able to explore a wide variety of effects, from rigid bodies to FLIP and Pyro simulations to procedural animation.
I also learned workflow optimization, pipeline, lighting and rendering, and so on. With this new knowledge, every day produced something unexpected that I needed to overcome, developing at the same time my research and problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, the required updates were the opportunity to break down my work and improve my English, a great writing practice.
This is the first time that I have attempted a project of this magnitude. I was nervous at first about taking on the challenge, but the encouragement from my friends definitely made me face my fears and give my all. The pinnacle of my five years learning Houdini.
The sense of achievement in delivering my biggest project to date, far beyond what I thought to know doing, and seeing the incredible effort that all the contestants put into their entries made this one-of-a-kind challenge a very rewarding experience!
Yet the adventure barely begins. With all the knowledge I'll take away, I can't wait to work on future projects. Huge thanks to Rebelway, the Rookies, and their sponsors to make the challenge possible!
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