Rider is a short film that combines computer-generated environments with live-action footage in order to immerse the audience in a world filled with surreal, high-stakes action. We first started concept and storyboarding in the fall. This ideation phase was a combination of storytelling and asking ourselves how we could cram in as many cool shots as possible. We used real-time software to create previsualization for our film and give us the chance to really polish the cinematography. Once we locked down our story, rubber hit the road as we started production. Putting together the skill sets of so many talented modelers, animators, layout artists, and surface artists to lay the groundwork for the final images. The digital effects team then augmented the scenes with effects that blended the work across departments but also provided an “explosive” touch. Lighting and composing had the pedal to the metal as they drove through, shot after shot. Polishing the renders into integrated, photoreal sequences with a variety of visual effects techniques. All the while, the sound design team was cooking up a plethora of dynamic audio elements for their mix. Rider is the culmination of the innovation, dedication, and collaboration our team put into this film. We couldn’t be prouder to showcase this film.

I worked as Lighting, Look Development, and Environment Lead

Southport | 米国


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