Applied Houdini | Liquids
Learn how to work with FLIP Fluid liquids and ocean FX. Applied Houdini is a production quality oriented series created by Steven Knipping. Benefit from production proven workflows while also getting an in depth explanation of why things works they way they do.
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Applied Houdini | Liquids I | Fundamentals
In Liquids I, we will learn how to make liquid simulations with the FLIP solver! Really understanding the mechanics of FLIP will be the main focus, including in-depth explanations and visual aides to effectively explain how it works. We will also build a dynamic example of a liquid being sourced, collided with, surfaced, shaded, and rendered!
Applied Houdini | Liquids II | Rivers
Applied Houdini is back for Fluids II - Rapid rivers, where we're going to learn all about how to simulate and render a fast moving river in FLIP! In this lesson we'll learn how to setup the river's initial state, sourcing, and collisions to control the behaviour of the fluid result, and then how to design the whitewater that flows along with it!
Applied Houdini | Liquids III | Ocean Flat Tank
Welcome back to Applied Houdini for Liquids III - Ocean Flat Tank! In this lesson we'll tackle a complex ocean scene, consisting of many different effects rendered out as seperate passes and then all composited together. We'll start by learning how to create a detailed and realistic infinite sea through a deep understanding of the instanced ocean spectrum workflow, and then make things even more interesting by blending a flat tank FLIP simulation into the middle of it!
Category: Fluids