New in Houdini 18

Moritz Schwind of Entagma has created Houdini 18 quickstart tutorials in three groups: SOPs, RBDs and Pyro. These cover a range of tools that are a great way for people getting started with Houdini.


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A quick introduction to the Bend SOP and its interactive handles. This can be used to bend part of a model or the whole model.
Explore the Sweep SOP which lets you sweep one or more profile along another curve then use handles and ramps to control the results. This tool also sets up proper UVs while sweeping.
Distance Along Geometry
A quick look at the Distance Along Geometry SOP which lets you set a start point then visualize along the surface from the point.
Explore the Bevel SOP and its ability to work with points on flat geometry and to handle situations where different bevels collide with each other.
Group Expand
The Group Expand SOP lets you take an existing group and expand it procedurally using a number of different control factors.
Pyro Spread
The Pyro Spread SOP lets you manage the spread of Pyro FX attributes such as temperature or burn using other layers to influence the results
RBD SOP Solver | Setup
In this lesson, you learn how to set up the new SOP level RBD nodes.
RBD SOP Solver | Guided Simulation
The new RBD Solver SOP lets you use animated geometry to guide your simulation. Learn how to set this up in this quick tutorial.
RBD SOP Solver | Emitting Objects
Using the new RBD SOP solver, you can emit many objects from a source location.
RBD SOP Solver | Custom Fracturing
Create custom fracturing shapes using the RBD material fracture node then feed it into a RBD Solver SOP.
Pyro FX | Billowy Smoke
Learn how to create Billowy smoke with the Pyro FX SOP-level solver.
Pyro FX | Spreading Fire
In this lesson, you learn how to spread fire using the new SOP level Pyro FX tools.
Pryo FX | Sparse Solver
Learn how the new Pyro FX tools take advantage of a Spare Solver to optimize your simulations.

Category: Modeling, VFX