keshaw singh
About Me
Hi! I am keshaw Singh Motion Designer at SUPRA. Currently living in India, Obsessed with Pixels & passionate about Design. Specialized Motion Design & VFX, Sidefx Houdini & Cinema 4d is my core tool.
VFX Artist
Advertising / Motion Graphics
Houdini Engine
Motion Editing | Lighting | Pyro FX | 説明
プロシージャルワークフロー | Environments | Digital Assets | キャラクタ & アニメーション | Animation | Cloth | Mantra | Fluids
Hair & Fur | Crowds | Muscles | Solaris | Karma | Realtime FX | VEX | Python
I am currently employed at SUPRA
My Gallery
Recent Forum Posts
WELCOME! 2021年8月25日0:34
i am super excited for this.
write uv map throguh python 2020年1月25日5:51
i was trying to export uv map from save as menu but it took to much time so is their any script or python code which can help to write uv map quickly.
color based gravity or activation on pop grains ? 2018年10月31日8:06
I created color attribute from VOP network then how can I activate pop grains based on that color value. or use gravity intensity to drive that color attribute.