Alex Pavel
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VFX Artist
Houdini Engine
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feed Cd to color ramp point inside shader? 2017年10月25日14:31
I am trying to set the value of a color ramp point inside a shader to the value of my Cd.
The parameter is called “rampcolordefault2” and i guess in vex i could have written “rampcolordefault2 = @Cd;”, but this is vops and i just don't know how to set that parameter.Is there any way of doing this?
Thank you!
I am trying to set the value of a color ramp point inside a shader to the value of my Cd.
The parameter is called “rampcolordefault2” and i guess in vex i could have written “rampcolordefault2 = @Cd;”, but this is vops and i just don't know how to set that parameter.Is there any way of doing this?
Thank you!
How to model an Auger 2017年3月6日18:09
Thanks Magnus. I needed something more like this, but i adapted your workflow and it worked, cheers!
Thanks for your tips jsmack!
Thanks for your tips jsmack!
How to model an Auger 2017年3月6日17:24
I am having difficulties on modelin an Auger in Houdini. Can anyone suggest a good way to do it? This is what i got now, but i have problems extruding it: