Modeler's Official Channel

Alexey Vanzhula

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Makow Mazowiecki, Poland

Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

How to get world transform matrix from a geometry with pyth 2024年2月20日14:11

Alexey Vanzhula
it seems there is no such api in Geometry class in hou.
geometry should not be aware of the transformation of the container in which it is located

How to get world transform matrix from a geometry with pyth 2024年2月20日13:09


Repeat Shelf Tool with Q key 2024年1月17日8:35

I have a shelf tool that creates a SOP node, connects it to other nodes, sets its parameters, and activates a state. How can I ensure that the script of this tool will be repeated every time I try to repeat it using Repeat Current Operation (Q)? At the moment it repeats but not always. Perhaps there are some rules to follow, because standard tools like PolyBevel repeat perfectly.