Alexey Smolenchuk
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How to perform multithreaded GU_Detail->load() ? 2024年1月2日20:58
OK, seems I figured this out.
Looks like sort of initialize or license check supposed to happen before multi threaded execution.
When I'm adding
in the beginning of my program it works fine.
Is there a clear way to do this?
Looks like sort of initialize or license check supposed to happen before multi threaded execution.
When I'm adding
GU_Detail *temp = new GU_Detail; delete temp;
Is there a clear way to do this?
How to perform multithreaded GU_Detail->load() ? 2024年1月2日20:16
Loading bgeo files in parallel should be safe (as long as you're using separate GU_Detail's per thread, of course)
I've just tried with simplified example:
#include <omp.h> #include <GU/GU_Detail.h> #include <UT/UT_Exit.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> int main() { std::vector<std::string> files = { "", "", "" }; #pragma omp parallel for for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { GU_Detail *gdp = new GU_Detail; if (gdp->load( files[ i%files.size() ].c_str() ).success()) std::cout << "Loaded "<< gdp->getNumPoints() << " points in thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << std::endl; else std::cout << ":(" << std::endl; delete gdp; } UT_Exit::exit(UT_Exit::EXIT_OK); return 0; }
This in my CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(Houdini REQUIRED
PATHS ${HFS}/toolkit/cmake)
add_executable(standalone src/standalone.cpp)
target_link_libraries( standalone Houdini OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX)
Results on my Windows machine and HDK from 19.5.605:
Loaded 2789 points in thread 4
Loaded 12874 points in thread 6
Loaded 12874 points in thread 9
Loaded 20109 points in thread 5
Loaded 12874 points in thread 0
Loaded 20109 points in thread 8
Can someone please check it for sanity?
How to perform multithreaded GU_Detail->load() ? 2023年12月30日20:23
I'm trying to parallelize geometry loading in standalone application.
When I'm wrapping this call in OMP or TBB loops it's randomly failing
Is it possible to load several bgeo multithreaded?
When I'm wrapping this call in OMP or TBB loops it's randomly failing
GU_Detail *gdp = new GU_Detail; if (gdp->load( filename.c_str() ).success() ){ ... }
Is it possible to load several bgeo multithreaded?