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Random Seed Value in a Fractal SOP 2003年2月27日13:56

I am attempting to make a field full of rotten boards sticking up from the ground.

I created the boards using an Add SOP and applied a Fractal SOP predominantly scaled in one direction to give the board a broken/rotted feel. I wired the board, and a grid, into a Copy SOP to create an array across the grid template.

The trouble I'm running into is that each board is identical in appearance. I am trying to figure out a way to generate a random value for the “Seed” value in my Fractal SOP so that each board will be slightly different. Is there a variable I can plug into “rand($____)” that will change the Seed value of my Fractal SOP on a point by point basis?


Sorry if this is basic, I haven't been using Houdini for very long.