Christian Mezofi


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Flickering RBD glass cracks 2022年2月28日14:52


I have an issue with a RBD shatter animation that I am trying to solve with no luck.

I shatter the glass on impact but pretty much every single crack flickers through the animation which is something I don't want of course. I have tried RBD Connected Faces / Disconnect but that removes the connected sides, thus removing the cracks which is something I also don't want.

Any ideas how to solve this would be greatly appreciated!

Cropped render attached (play it looped )

Thank you!

Some Threadripper results 2017年9月2日5:47

You need to be careful on how to squeeze the maximum performance from your hardware. Test both with openCL on and off, write straight to disk as, never render your simulations without caching. Why, because you may want to play with shading, lightning etc. TR will make even more gap with higher-resolution simulations, why because you will keep threading busier longer instead of occupying CPU with thread management.
It was the same case when small simulation times compared between dual Xeons vs one fast I7. There is no magic button that makes everything faster. Especially with compile workflow TR will be so much faster in Houdini, why because Compile SOP compiles your many small SOPs into a an imaginary SOP that multithread so much better. I've had sped improvements 5 to 10 times after converting old tools with compile sop on same CPU

Grain solver works best with a fast GPU, so make your comparisons with it turned on and off

Thank you for your insights. Good to know!

I've done renders with and without OpenCL, it was faster with. But I never did the original tests (5820K) with it so hard to say how big the difference is.

I also tried using OpenCL CPU but that slowed things down by a lot.

I never really use cache since I'm sending my Alembics over to C4D ususally, but I'll try some comparisons there too.

Some Threadripper results 2017年8月31日14:31

These are very basic scene file tests so I wouldn't put too much value on them for real-world performance. Things to improve the tests are turning on OpenCL CPU and turning on OpenCL in the solvers, use file caches instead of going straight out to abc.

In the end if you aren't using threading well then CPUs haven't really got faster in 7 years

OK, wasn't aware that would make such a huge impact if they are both simulated the same way. If u have another HIP and your sim time I'd be happy to try it out so we can check the difference.