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HDK INSTALATION 2006年5月7日13:28

This is exactly what I enter
Name of Variable:MSCVDir
Value:CArchivos de programa/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/bin
It is valid?

HDK INSTALATION 2006年5月7日7:46

I followed the inst. instructions in odforce, but no results, I did:
-Start->Programs->Side Effects s.-> Houdini-> Command Line Tools -> hdkinstall.
It install HDK and note requirement of Visual C++.Net2003 for
build plug-ins
- My Computer-> Properties-> Advanced-> Environment Variables-> System V. MSCVDir with value=> CArchivos de programa*/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/bin
At this point I don't understand the others path environment variables
or values to add, to input in and which values <-> variables, I can't put
again MSVCDir
Anyway I tried, with the same result at first step…
And only can read the c-files from the compiler, not debug.
*Archivos de programa=Programs,well is obvious
Please some help, if it is possible

WORKSTATION 2006年5月6日10:17

Which workstation has better performance and is more recomendable for modeling and rendering between Sun microsystem and PC?
Both dual core processor first with AMD and the PC with Plentium Xeon, both with 8GB in RAM, Sun with a graphic card NVIDIA Quadro FX3450, and PC with NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500.
The Sun station accept Windows x64 sistem.