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Problem when launching Houdini on Ubuntu11.4 2011年8月8日19:57

Thanks for the reply. I do have the proprietary amd driver installed, and have the catalyst control center etc. Here is what is showing (attached). I ended up reinstalling Ubuntu 11.4 because I could not get Naiad working in Mint, but I am still having issues with the display and noticed the following error upon starting Naiad: “Unrecognised OpenGL version”. I am not sure why as I think I have the latest since it says in Catalyst I have “Open GL Version 4.1.10665 Compatibility Profile Context”.

Thanks for your help!

Help! Viewport goes blank when I move the mouse 2011年8月5日15:29

I spent most of the week battling with the install of Houdini on Ubuntu 11.4, then Mint and finally got it to work. I have the icons showing, and the interface is not frozen like before due to following the instructions on this this forum, which was great by the way! Now, however, I have a different problem: the viewport keeps going blank grey (everything disappears) whenever I move the mouse out of the view port window. I can get the view back by clicking in the viewport but then it disappears upon mousing over ANY icon, boarder, or button. I tried reinstalling the video drivers etc to no avail. I had everything running fine on Win7 64 (still do) but it was just a little slow rendering and cooking some of my particle sims. Any help would be appreciated.

I am running Win7 64 , with Mint4Win on a 3.2 ghz AMD X2 5GB DDR3 RAM, with a 2GB ATI Radeon HD 5670 graphics card.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Problem when launching Houdini on Ubuntu11.4 2011年8月5日4:22

@Erik ,

I never did get around to a non graphical install on Ubuntu but I did try Mint4Win and it finally worked! I still had to use the hsvg cmd and mess around with the libs etc to get the icons back, so I dont know if my lack of success with Ubuntu may have just been my lack of experience with linux in general, and after pounding away at it for almost a week maybe I just got better navigating linux lol. Anyway, it is mostly working now and seems to be screaming fast (from a couple of fluid test renders I did), so very excited about that, BUT I do get this annoying flashing on the viewport, which randomly goes blank (grey background) and seems to go back to normal for a bit when I click in the viewport. I suspect it has something to do with the video card/drivers although I had no issues on win7 with that. I am running a 2GB ATI Radeon HD 5670. Any insights into the the flashing viewport would be cool.

many thanks