Casey Hupke

Casey Hupke

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Houdini Engine


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Vulkan Viewport and macOS silicon ? 2024年7月15日17:55

Just bumping this - pretty disappointed to see that one of the sickest 20.5 features completely skip over the macOS release. Without Vulkan it makes the new cops features really hard to use on macOS.

OSX+Lops frequent network editor dropouts? 2020年9月3日13:28

Same issue here, submitted as an RFE November 30, 2019.

The bug number I was sent was bug #101335.

would really love to be able to use Houdini on my MacBook pro.

I have tested this on a 15“ 2019 Macbook Pro with a Vega20, a 16” 2019 MacBook Pro with a 5500M, and on both with an eGPU 5700XT. Same reproducible bug on all systems.

force from object origin() or object normals 2015年10月20日15:50

Hey all recently I've been attempting to make things like gravity be driven via an objects normals. So if I made a planetoid like shape wherever the pyro/flip/particles were above it would be pushed down toward the center of that object.

Additionally I've been trying to do things like attach a wind object to an animated character so that the object always pushes the particles away from it.

after reading the help I feel slightly more confused and was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this is the form of nodal screenshots.