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Leaking MPM solver 2024年8月24日12:03

Fixed! By watching the MPM masterclass, which is super-helpful by the way.
The missing checkbox was this one, which watches out for particles creeping through the collider, exactly what I wanted.

Leaking MPM solver 2024年8月24日10:19

Hi - any tips on keeping MPM solver from messing up collisions? I've got some viscous/sticky fluids inside a sealed collider, using the vdb/invert option in the MPM collider node. The simulation always has leaks/errors, it looks like the sim is lagging the animation and this allows the edge particles to escape. See vid attached

Things I've tried:
1. substeps - min/max up to 200/20000
2. CFL - down to 0.01
3. looser/denser meshing for the collider
4. changing collision type to animated deforming (instead of animated/rigid)

Thanks for any advice! Chris

Best way to avoid faceting with OceanProcedural in Karma 2024年8月13日12:19

This is probably obvious to everyone but me, but just in case anyone similarly deluded stumbles across this thread...

It's no longer necessary to save out a spectrum file for every frame!

Level 12 is working great, this ocean looks tasty. Now excuse me while I delete a couple of hundred Gb from my cache drive...