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Exporting mesh as geo/bgeo with "world"/objec tran 2012年4月3日10:27


i'm exporting a simple polygon mesh surface node as a geo.

The problem is that all transformations done on the object are not visible or applied in the geo. I understand why, but is there anyway of applying this transform before exporting? Or at least write the “world” transformation in the file?

ps: i am a houdini noob


Houdini 12 .bgeo/.geo (new) format 2012年4月2日18:23

Ok too bad. Well i've have looked at the UT_JSON* files and i´m starting to see some light in the tunnel but an example using this api would have been quite nice.

As i've understood so far, to parse a file, to begin with need to create an UT_Istream which is basically a modified istream and also derive the UT_JSONHandle which has lots of callbacks that gets triggered from the UT_JSONParser class e.g at the beginning of an array (which in this case i interpret as a json array i.e ‘[’). Though when these callbacks are triggered i am responsible for actually reading any data. Which can be done by using the traverser class and the UT_JSONParser methods e.g parseValue, parseUniformArray etc.

one fundemental thing which i´m not certain about is that the parseObject methods in UT_JSONParser parses a whole file and that “object” in this case refers to a whole file and not a json object. Also i dont quite understand how the actual parsing of the file is done. i´m i responsible for traversing the stream or will this magically be taken care of in the JSONParser class and then i do all the work in the callbacks :?

well, well, any thoughts are welcome

Houdini 12 .bgeo/.geo (new) format 2012年4月2日7:56

Does anyone know where i can find
which is referenced in the HDK docs

or are implementations not included in the HDK