Chris Kay
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Mapbox map not loading 2024年2月21日13:40
Would love to hear some thoughts. I may have set up the map wrong but I'm pretty sure I've got it right.
Mapbox map not loading 2024年2月21日2:36
I've worked with the mapbox node before but for some reason the map isn't loading after putting my key in and clicking "look up". Does anyone know why I can't see the map?
I've tried in both 19.5 and 20.
Image Not Found
I've tried in both 19.5 and 20.
Clipping SOP in camera direction 2022年9月1日22:05
I wouldn't bother with the Clip SOP. It's much easier and faster to generate a center line for the camera with a given number of points and use it with Voronoi Split SOP to split your geometry at once into multiple parts.
Doesn't that split on the half way point between points? That sounds unintuitive and difficult to control without doing a bunch of math. The OP said they didn't want to use VEX. The old dumb slow clip is easier to 'see' how it works.
To get the clip direction from the camera, no vex is needed.
Right click origin parameter and select "Reference->Scene Data". Then find the camera and select Translate under Transforms->World. Right click a direction axis parameter and select "Reference->Scene Data" again. Find the camera and select Direction -> -Z. This will fill in the three axis parameters with the reference to the camera's world Z direction. Then adjust distance to set the clipping plane distance.
This is exactly what I was looking for! Yeah... It's a bit of math and manual bananas on my end with this method but I'm still learning. This referencing scene data is great! I can do so much with this!!