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Strange behavior in Parameters Pane 2004年3月2日14:59

I saved them as “Name_Even_Copy.tif”, fired up Houdini, and built the template the same way from scratch. But…

Strange behavior in Parameters Pane 2004年3月2日13:18

So, it doesn't hurt to ask SESI people either. I never had such issue with Maya, therefore, I'm really curious about this.

Why does the type of an image make a difference in how it's shown in GL? GeForce or Wildcat VP makes very little difference.

Why would the even dimensions make a difference (sometimes?) versus the odd ones?

Strange behavior in Parameters Pane 2004年3月2日1:37

Noop, it didn't work.

Sizes are proportional to those of the real chopper:
Side - 1387x411
Front - 328x411
Top - 1387x328
Changing them to 1388x412, 328x412 and 1388x328 gave me exactly the same result.