Dominik Pott
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Houdini Engine
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Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents 2024年9月8日13:45
Thank you a lot. I hope i find the time to check it out in the near future.
Cheers, Dominik
Cheers, Dominik
Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents 2024年7月5日15:16
Awesome, that helped a lot. I think I was always a bit scared of building my own Agent from scratch as the regular Agent Node is so convenient. Thank you so much for the example File.
Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents 2024年6月20日15:49
I am struggeling to make this work. Would it be possible to get an example file or have a look at mine?
I have attached it with my current state to add an blendshape to an existing agent.
The Agent from Rig Sop seems to create a new Agent which is not what I want and I don't know any other node to use instead.
If its not easiy possible to do with nodes onlz I am also fine with python or vex.
I am struggeling to make this work. Would it be possible to get an example file or have a look at mine?
I have attached it with my current state to add an blendshape to an existing agent.
Note that you also need to have the corresponding channels on the agent's rig, which the Agent from Rig SOP can import from the 'clipchannels' attribute, e.g. from the Character Blend Shape Channels SOP
The Agent from Rig Sop seems to create a new Agent which is not what I want and I don't know any other node to use instead.
If its not easiy possible to do with nodes onlz I am also fine with python or vex.