Donell Browne


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Houdini Engine


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New to Houdini 2017年1月1日14:08

Hey guys im very new at this and was wondering if you guys could help me out please respond answers in a way that i will be able to understand as im really new to houdini i wont even know most of the keywords lol so basically in my first screenshot you can see that all of the boxes have red dashes in them how do i get rid of this. In my second screenshot i have a Null called “RENDER” with a blue tag next to it but its not showing anything ?? how do i deal with this thanks

Alembic/OBJ export from Cinema 4D to Houdini and vice versa 2016年12月28日17:41

As you can see in this screenshot my fbx file is way too big however I don't know how to scale it down to fit when I use the scale tool it does not allow me to scale it down sorry it's my first day using Houdini i usually use cinema 4d does anyone know how to fix this problem or know of any useful tutorials ?