Dag Kjetsa


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VFX Artist


Berlin, Germany

Houdini Engine


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problem with creating new geometry overlaying old/original 2024年11月13日16:35

@vklc Thanks for your replies! Ok,so basically we cannot do any generation from scratch in points, prims, or vertex modes. To bad. I was hoping I could cheat the system and generate "per primitive" even if the input is not geoself(), but input1. Thanks for the comparison btw. Have you tried a comparison to see what would happen if you generate the primitives when the incoming ones are on input0 and you delete the original ones? So, in other words, how much does deleting geometry impact performance? I always hear that deleting geometry can become very expensive, but I'm not sure what that means in practice.


problem with creating new geometry overlaying old/original 2024年11月12日16:35

Hello, I'm doing some small experiment with creating geometry, in this case polylines, that traces an original polyline. I would like to add n number of polyline primitives on a primitive wrangle's input1 (so input0 is empty), and fetch position data from this/those primitive(s), and then re-create an approximation of them with completely new geometry. I want the primitives to come in on input1 so that I will not have to delete them before or after creating the "new version". What is the right approach to this? It seems that creating the geo in detail mode or, when letting the original geo in on input0 is easier to get to work, but I would like to run this kind of code over primitives, potentially large amounts of them, and as said I would like to not have to delete any incoming geo - hence input1 and input0 empty.

The current code I have does not work, so I must be missing something. I have attached a hip file to this message so you can see the mini-setup with the code etc..

Hopefully someone can enlighten me


How to best average out attributes over time? 2024年10月21日3:33

@tamte - ah, ok, see what you mean. Thanks!

@HristoVelev: This is interesting. I'll have a closer look at this later. On first glance I see that the article is quite math heavy. Do you also know of a more "pleb-friendly" reference? If not I'll work through it in my own time. From your short description above it seems to me that the practical solution would be to use the sop solver for this. Would that be a fair intuition?
Thanks again!