Emily Luke

Emily Luke

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Houdini Engine


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turquoise/dark green renders coming off farm 2015年4月13日13:02

actually does help, thanks for the input

turquoise/dark green renders coming off farm 2015年4月3日15:55

I am submitting jobs to the farm normally, my other jobs/files dont have this issue. They are coming back succeeded, but the material or something is coming back as a turquoise/dark green colour. at first it was only one frame on one job. but now, its groups, and singles, of about half of the frame range and on all of the same scene, but different pass files for example shot 1 earth, shot 1 astronaut, shot 1 clouds. also, the frames that are turquoise have an extra 2k of disk space being added on. has anyone experienced this before?

using h14.0.223 with hqueue

tutorial for understanding what nodes do what in vop shops 2015年2月27日15:33

very useful thankyou