Mario Reitbauer


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Houdini Engine


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obj-image Intermediate
Grooming for VFX

Recent Forum Posts

H20 feather alignement 2023年11月13日8:12

In theory my guides are perfectly aligned since I only planted them and bent them downwards

H20 feather alignement 2023年11月13日8:10

Is there some trick to get better alignment of feathers towards the surface ?
Red are my guides (and those are already quite hard to align it seems ?)

H20, feathers won't show up on groom node 2023年11月13日5:43

Alright, figured it out, instead of having the guide groom node inside the automatically created groom obj I added it in a new geo node and enabled shade open curves in viewport and it works.

Guess one could adjust the groom geo node which gets created by the shelf tool since it isn't obvious why it doesn't work.

Thanks for your help