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RedHat 8.0 2003年1月22日6:38

Thankyou both of you - I'll give this a go this afternoon…

RedHat 8.0 2003年1月21日19:48

Will Houdini Apprentice run under RedHat 8.0? The available downloads were for 6 or 7, so I grabbed the 7 one, hoping that it would…

Once I had installed, it couldn't connect to the license server, and if gave me instructions on how to do this myself:

source houdini_setup

However, when I do this, I get the following error:

bash: houdini_setup: line 23: syntax error near unexpected token `set'
bash: houdini_setup: line 23: ` if ( ! $?cwd ) set cwd=`/bin/pwd`'

Any idea how I can get it working under 8.0?

Any help much appreciated!

houdini documentation and Apprentice on IRIX 2002年11月20日9:16

If you follow this link:


You will be ble to download the contents of the second CD (select the CD, and then go into the orig_tar_files directory - the second CD contains all of the tutorials that come with the apprentice edition.