Ivan Pulido Suarez
Ivan Pulido Suarez
About Me
Technical Director
Houdini Engine
I am currently employed at Jellyfish Pictures
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Recent Forum Posts
IPS HOUDINI PROJECT MANAGER 1.0.11 2023年10月11日12:44
Thanks guys, happy you like it.
@terrypxm, no plans to make linux/mac versions at least soon, sorry
@wyhinton1, no man, no Github here, sorry, download it before G Drive link expire
, i will add a permanent link in my website soon
@terrypxm, no plans to make linux/mac versions at least soon, sorry
@wyhinton1, no man, no Github here, sorry, download it before G Drive link expire

IPS HOUDINI PROJECT MANAGER 1.0.11 2023年10月8日5:00
Hi Houdini Lovers!
I would like to share with all of you my Project Manager Tool completely for FREE.
This tool allow you organize your projects, including: naming convention, structure, houdini vars, custom user folders, previews, useful information before open your files..
Hope you like it and ENJOY!!
Download LINK:
DOWNLOAD INSTALLER HERE [drive.google.com]
Intro and First Look Video
Hi Houdini Lovers!
I would like to share with all of you my Project Manager Tool completely for FREE.
This tool allow you organize your projects, including: naming convention, structure, houdini vars, custom user folders, previews, useful information before open your files..
Hope you like it and ENJOY!!
Download LINK:
DOWNLOAD INSTALLER HERE [drive.google.com]
Intro and First Look Video
Hqueue 0% progress 2015年12月25日16:00
Hi there!
Well i am testing the distributed simulations on H15 under Ubuntu 14 just for test, server and client are running in the same machine, and…..everything works fine, except the hqueue client stop at 0% and seems like is running but nothing happen, someone know what is happen?, here some screencaptures.
Well i am testing the distributed simulations on H15 under Ubuntu 14 just for test, server and client are running in the same machine, and…..everything works fine, except the hqueue client stop at 0% and seems like is running but nothing happen, someone know what is happen?, here some screencaptures.