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Textures not sticking to surface during dops sim 2012年3月9日10:16

Hi all,

Been a while since i've used houdini, so bit rusty, but i have two issue that iwas hoping some you good natured ladies and gents could help with:

a) I can't seem to get textures to display in the viewport. This seems to only be for the scene attached.

b) I have some geo, created via cookie ops, nothing complicated. I applied a simple material using a jpg image. All renders fine until point of fracture at frame 48 at which point the texture screws up - i'm guessing this is a uv issue caused from passing the geo through dops but i'm struggling to resolve the issue.

Any help would great.

Hiding RBD objects from DOPs 2010年10月24日16:05

Un-checking ‘Display Geometry’ hides the selected RBD Object inside a DOP net, but the geo still renders at SOp level.

How do I hide a selected RBD Object from part of a DOP network at SOP level so that it doesn’t render with the rest of the sim, but still remains as active with the rest on the network?


Spring constraint issue 2010年10月18日15:52

Hi all,

Small problem with the springconstraint DOP. During the sim, the rbdobject appears to be interacting correctly with the ground plane, but on closer inspection, this isn’t the case and it’s impacting above the surface. No idea why.

Any help is appreciated.