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CG upgrades survey: CGenie interview Side Effects 2009年3月15日15:43

Hi there,

Following our upgrades survey [cgenie.com] in which many of you participated, we are running a series of interviews with the companies involved.

Our second interview in the series is with Kim Davidson, CEO of Side Effects Software [cgenie.com]. In the article he shares his thoughts on Houdini's results.

We've already published the interview with Autodesk [cgenie.com] and have upcoming interviews with Luxology and the Blender Foundation.

Hope this is of interest

CGenie.com [cgenie.com]

Your thoughts on CG software upgrades? 2009年2月23日12:19

Hi folks,

Congratulations to SideFX, think the user results are something of which to be very proud!

Robert - I'll be taking you up on your offer very soon, would like to do a follow up article focusing on Houdini - given the results I guess you won't be getting too heavily grilled! :wink:

Your thoughts on CG software upgrades? 2009年2月10日12:59

Many thanks to everyone who has completed the survey so far - we've had hundreds of responses!

We'll be closing the survey this Friday (13th Feb), so make sure you complete the survey [cgenie.com] this week if you haven't already!

I plan to publish the article on CGenie.com [cgenie.com] on Monday 16th Feb, and I'll post a message here as well to let you know that it's up.

Thank you Robert for kindly offering to answer my questions - I'll be in touch very shortly.

Many thanks once again everyone,
