Kumar murthy
Kumar murthy
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Vertex colors from Houdini to Unity 2015年6月12日18:25
In http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini14.0/io/fbx [sidefx.com] it says that the vertex colors are supported to export. So I am pretty hopeful for some answers.
Vertex colors from Houdini to Unity 2015年6月11日14:12
I have a complicated shape (that I don't wanna UV unwrap ) that I want to bring to Unity from Houdini. The geometry has Cd attribute and I need to get that to Unity. What's the best way to do it? I have tried exporting FBX with Cd as point attribute, Cd Primitive attribute, applying a material that uses Point color and exporting that to FBX. No luck so far.
Thanks in advance.
I have a complicated shape (that I don't wanna UV unwrap ) that I want to bring to Unity from Houdini. The geometry has Cd attribute and I need to get that to Unity. What's the best way to do it? I have tried exporting FBX with Cd as point attribute, Cd Primitive attribute, applying a material that uses Point color and exporting that to FBX. No luck so far.
Thanks in advance.
Not able to fetch a String attribute from Font node! 2014年11月29日0:12
Wow, Thank you so much Didn't look at the documentation clearly and spent way too much time on this. Really appreciate your help.