Llyr Williams

Llyr Williams

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Houdini Engine


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Crowd Simulations and Redshift Slow Rendering 2021年2月4日9:43

When I enable the "Instance SOP Level Packed Primitves" Redshift substitutes all the different agents in the scene, with just one agent. Instead of getting the five different agents I have plugged into the crowdsource and is working in scene view, I just get the first agent in all places, at render time.

Any help would be much appreciated!

I'm also having this problem. Enabling "Instance SOP Level Packed Primitives" populates the crowd with one mesh, looks like skin deformations are messed up as well. At the moment having to unpack and repack to apply attribute driven texture and colour variation.

Setting Crowd agent orientation 2019年8月29日10:31

I think I've got it working by copying the Normal Attribute to velocity with an attribute Wrangle

v@v = @N;

Hope this helps anyone else looking to do the same

Setting Crowd agent orientation 2019年8月29日10:07


I'm trying to set up a simple crowd of standing agents ( no walking / running locomotion).

I need to have groups of agents facing each other. I'm able to do this with an attribute VOP on my point Normals feeding into the crowdsource node.
In the crowd_sim Dop Network this orientation is ignored.

How can I maintain these orientations in the crowd_sim dop Network? I've tried Agent Look At and poplookat with no luck.
I'm guessing I need to set some other attributes specific to particle orientaion?

Using Houdini 17.5293

Thank you