Matija Kos


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Paris, France

Houdini Engine


I am available for Freelance Work

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How to Create a 2D Rig Mouth in APEX Using COPs? 2024年12月18日13:46

Here's another attempt using an external COP network. To drive it, I output a "parms" detail attribute of the rig "control" that the COP network uses via the APEX Scene Invoke SOP. So it's a little bit clunky to set up. Also, it doesn't respond unless you're changing a value at a key and let go of the handle because that's the only time when the APEX Scene Animate will recook with the new value.
Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for! 😊

How to Create a 2D Rig Mouth in APEX Using COPs? 2024年12月17日11:12

The cop:: APEX nodes aren't really designed for manual usage because they require special setups that are automatically done for slapcomp in the Solaris viewer.
So would it be even possible to manipulate a texture with a controller on the rig, like on the photo(blender)?
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How to Create a 2D Rig Mouth in APEX Using COPs? 2024年12月17日4:53

Here's a quick try using the material_override attribute but I couldn't get Mantra to work so YMMV.
That is great thank you . I managed to get textures from an external copnet with your setup. Is there a way to use cop nodes directly from Apex, The APEX cop:: nodes are confusing to me I do not know to what I can connect them and how I could override the texture with them.