Marcin Kaźmierczak


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Game Artist



Houdini Engine


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Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links 2022年7月20日8:17

I got a problem that RBD normals looks messed up on forward renderer in Unreal4. For it to work properly U need to find inside a fragment that is making the normals. Find tangent calculation and just pass it outside the function - then connect it into tangent on material. That should work.

Houdini Niagara Updates 2020年6月19日4:43


I tried to use NiagaraSystem'/HoudiniNiagaraDemo2020/Niagara/NebulousSystem.NebulousSystem' on my map and cook it. ( I got some problems with cooking build with this plugin). It is working perfectly fine but when cooking I got this error:

LogInit: Display: LogNiagaraEditor: Error: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘/HoudiniNiagara/Modules/SpawnParticlesFromHoudiniPointCache.SpawnParticlesFromHoudiniPointCache:NiagaraScriptSource_0.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_6’.

I checked in this script and on Get Point IDs to Spawn at Time there is function script with value: none. I cant figure it out honestly. What is supposed to be there? Or how to cook it?

HDA vs Foliage Tool 2019年4月9日5:26

I did upgrade to latest version and it worked… but. As I bake it to foliage it spawn foliage instanced mesh that that is changeable. ( for example cull distances). But is also spawns copy of all foliage that is unchangeable. And U can only delete both instances or this changeable copy. When U delete this unchangeable it delete all foliage ( both copies)

Place HDA on level
Bake to Foliage
delete hda
Change Culling distance on baked foliage