Mike Abbott


About Me



Leamington Spa, United Kingdom

Houdini Engine

Environments  | Digital Assets  | Animation  | Lighting  | VEX


I am available for Freelance Work

Recent Forum Posts

Vex question: two highest (@P.y) points from a group? 2024年12月12日13:22

Alex - many thanks, that looks great, I'll be trying it out very soon : )
'expandpointgroup' is a new one to me.
I appreciate your expertise and generosity!

Vex question: two highest (@P.y) points from a group? 2024年12月11日16:28

I have four points in a point group - "endPts". I want to find the two highest (@P.y) points.

So, I thought:
In a detail wrangle, create an array and run through all the points. Check if the point is in the "edgePts" group, if so, append it's P.y value it to an "endPtsArray" array. Sort the array. The last two array values will be from the highest two points.

Here's my vex. Where am I going wrong?

float endPtsArray[];
for(int i=0; i<@numpt; i++)
    if (inpointgroup(0, "endPts", i)==1)
        append(endPtsArray, @P.y);
endPtsArray = sort (endPtsArray);

How to procedurally pair points with PolyBridge 2024年12月5日15:45

Sorry to resurrect this old thread - but I have exactly the same problem with PolyBridge. I'm bridging between two surfaces - derived from the same circle. They have the same number of edge points which are radially in line with each other. The points that are opposite from each other, and need bridging, are considerably closer that neighbouring points on the same circle.

In other words - it couldn't be a simpler bridge.

Yet, as the number of points changes in the circles (together) sometimes the bridge is correct, sometimes the pairing shifts -1, sometimes +1.

All points are clean and fused, yet explicit parenting gives me a 'ambiguous pairing(s) of point xxx are ignored' error.

Any insights? Or is this thing just broken?