Mostafa kh

Mostafa kh

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Houdini Engine


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Fluids settle to low or to nothing 2015年11月20日15:26

Did you checked your collision guide? maybe your collision object is too low res that it has some holes. make a sdf inside sop and introduce to you static object as proxy volume and set the mode to volume sample.

Particles spawning based on the velocity of points 2015年11月18日13:56

a simple setup

Particles spawning based on the velocity of points 2015年11月18日13:43

I don't know that what do you want the velocity do for generating particles. I guess assume you want more particles from point with higher velocity. So this is what I would do:

pointvop (bind v length to speed attr) + pointreplicate (generate from attr on and speed attr in it)
and also a volume from velocity to use as particle advect by volume source.