Naser Eslami
Naser Eslami
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where is follow nod in h13 2014年8月26日3:00
hi guys.
i'm counfused.where is follow nod in new particle system?
i'm counfused.where is follow nod in new particle system?
matrix and look at 2014年8月26日2:56
edwardThanks edwar i handle it
The last number is 1 for position, 0 for direction.
matrix and look at 2014年8月22日5:11
edwardThanks edward.
matrix4 is a 4x4 matrix, which is what's commonly used in computer graphics to represent 3D affine transformations. See: []
When you take a vector in Houdini and multiply it by a matrix on its ….
so you say if i want transform data from a vector like x y z and rotation i should use vector 4,right? therefor matrix help us for better understand vector and work it?
edward what means last number in v4? you say vector4 is not just position and that is a position and direction so i can say first 3 number in vector4 are information of position and last number in direction?
if this sentence is true so how can find direction? i mean i can see position a point in the 3d space(x,y,z) but i can't imagine direction.
you told me (x,y,z,1) or (x.y,z,0) how you can find last number?