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Unable to link glGetShaderiv! 2008年4月7日16:51

That's the error message I'm getting. It tells me to set the Houdini_OGL_ENABLE_SHADERS environment variable to zero.

I opened the command line tools and found the variable which is set to one but I can't figure out how to change it. Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Editing Animation? 2003年1月3日9:18

BTW arctor…I tried just re-rendering files 80 - 150 to the saved file and it overwrote the existing 80 - 150 files which is great if you know exactly what you want but bad if you make a mistake. I also did it your way and saved the files I wanted to edit and that seems a little safer because now I can replace the original files.
Thanks again,

Editing Animation? 2003年1月1日21:11

Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks arctor. I thought that they might overwrite the original frames but that didn't seem to work. You've saved me a lot of time, being new to this I do a lot of editing.
Thanks again,