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Deep Shadow holdout 2006年12月31日6:03


so it looks like a simple ‘shadowmap’ call does the trick…
- if our element is in shadow we simply modify its color and opacity accordingly.

… methinks this may be too naive ???

so it seems you could either embed the holdout code
inside whatever shader you want to modify or you could
run it as a separate pass …

string filename = “”;
float spread = 0;
float bias = 0.0001;
float quality = 1;

vector myColor = {1,0,0};
float myOpacity = .8;

vector finalColor = 1;
float finalOpacity = 1;

vector Pndc = toNDC(P);
float occluded = shadowmap(filename, Pndc, spread, bias, quality);

/* do some stuff to the color and opacity */
finalColor = myColor;
finalOpacity = myOpacity;

Of = finalOpacity*occluded;
Cf = finalColor*Of;

The image shows a test comp where a semi-transparent plane using the shader above was composited on top of a sphere.

Deep Shadow holdout 2006年12月29日9:48


I was wondering if there is a vex call that uses RAT files as a matte/holdout map?

Example… You want to render a simple element interacting with some complicated object. In order to avoid rendering the expensive object again and again, you render it once as a deep shadow from camera and then you use this map to matte out your other objects.

I've done this in prman, so I'm sure mantra has an equivilant….

Any help would be great!

mac pro + linux = houdini OR madness? 2006年10月10日13:06


Which driver did you end up going with?

I tried re-installing the ati x1600 driver, however I keep running into some INF error and the install crashes. I tried doing it manually, but here I found that the latest driver was already installed?

At the moment, houdini will run without crashes when OGL is turned off, however with it turn on, just opening a textport causes it to crash.

Any help would be great!


PS Has anybody tried the new Imac 24 inch? it's got an nvidia card in it…