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About Importing Geometry and Textures 2004年7月6日4:43

Hello all,

I?Lm playing with Icarus, it?Ls a Boujou, Mokey & Image Modeler mix software, so it can export a geometry file (scene.obj) with uv?Ls applied ,all the textures (texture##.pic) and primitive groups to apply that textures (object__1 —> texture01.pic, object__2 —->texture02.pic,….).

My problem is how to say the shader to get every texture based in the primitive group that is shading, I suposse that is made applying the vm_surface attribute

opdef:/Shop/v_decal amb 1 1 1 diff 0.8 0.8 0.8 spec 0.8 0.8 0.8 rough 0.1 map “C:/Model/House_texture1.jpg” uwrap decal vwrap decal _shop_ /shop/v_decal1

and changing the map variable to a FOR statement based on groups..

someone could help me referencing the groups????


About Hair & Particles 2004年6月24日15:45

Imagine that the particle source is a single point, keep all default values and set initial velocity to 5, for example, and Life to 3 secs.

Go to SOP level, you have a line of moving points, the first particle (point number 0) dies at frame 75 (25 fps) so next particle (point number 1) turns into point number 0, because the first particle have died.

If you append an Add op to the particle system you can make a polygon from that particle points, so that could be one of our hairs.Look what happend when the first point of the particle system dissapears, our polygonal hair lost its last edge.

That´s the artifact I want to resolve.

About Hair & Particles 2004年6月24日11:16

Hi everybody, I?Lm trying to make Hair with particles and the Add op to convert the particle points to polys ( “ Skip every n points….”).All ok but when particles dies there was an artifact in the hair (the last segment of it dissapear). Someone has a trick to fix this.

If it helps, Merging the particle source with the particle points before Add fix the same problem but in the lower part of hair.

Thanks in advance.

I?Lve tried resamples and fits and don?Lt work fine.