Neil Y
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Advice needed on how to improve this scene. 2017年11月24日7:13
Hmm it's interesting you observe that as that is sort of the them of the channel anyway. What I am doing is building miniature terrain models of various kinds for different sorts of table top gaming as well as eventually getting into model train scenery. So in a sense that sort of fits for those who come with that understanding to the channel and perhaps makes the scene a little more “model like.”. But, never the less, an interesting observation and I might try playing around with the scale of the fluid some more.
Advice needed on how to improve this scene. 2017年11月22日11:52
Thanks for the tips! Might give the moving foliage a go but this literally took about a month to render out on my Ryzen 1700. So I was hoping for something to add to the current render like fog effects etc using after effects or changing the background in some way. I like the bird idea, I could add that in the the current render I'm sure easily enough.
Advice needed on how to improve this scene. 2017年11月21日13:27
I created this scene as an intro to a YouTube channel I am creating and would like some advice or suggestions on how to improve things in post. As it is now, after the render things seem a bit bland and I'm having issues on how to blend it all in together better with the backdrop. A couple examples that could improve things would be highly appreciated as my experience with editing in post is non existent. Thanks very much! [] []