Shawn Liu


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how to use cvex for surface shader 2022年6月8日15:54

I was thinking about how to use a cvex mat builder to create a vop for both mat and sop,so I can build a procedual shader without rendering.As I know,it just worked in procedual volume shader.

Now I must render for visualization,Or complete it in attributeVop then copy node to mat and reconnect some disconnect input,copy ramp parameter one by one.When I think this net isn't enough,I should add or modify some nodes themselves instead change parameter,all the previous operations were done in vain.

Could sidefx release any tutorial for this kind of solution,Im very appreciate.

how to use cvex 2022年6月8日15:34

How you usually do it is
Make VOP subnet based HDA and make sure you are only using nodes compatible with both CVEX and Surface shaders

Then you can use your HDA in both

thanks for yours advice,I will try this way.It looks like a easier controller for sop and mat transformation.

how to use cvex 2022年6月7日14:02

I was thinking about how to use a cvex mat builder to create a vop for both mat and sop,so I can build a procedual shader without rendering.
It is easily to make it success for a attribute vop.
But It isnt work for mat,such as export some parameter for shader and caused principled shader didnt work properly or I linked cvex to collect node,then add principledShader or something else.
I've seen a hip used cvex for building procedual volume shader,shopnet has a node to generate it,but I didn't find a similarly node for polygon.
Can cvex work properly for general shader?Or did I try wrong way?